Enjoy More Coverage with HO5 Insurance

Are you looking for more coverage at a lower premium? Qualified homeowners with a home replacement value of $500,000 – $2.5 million, a clean claim history, and a good-to-excellent insurance risk score have an opportunity to enjoy the added satisfaction of enhanced coverage and premium savings of up to 20% that only our new HO5 policy can provide.
An HO5 policy is a home insurance policy that offers enhanced coverage (higher coverage limits) and includes popular optional coverages at no additional cost. This means coverage for items like Equipment Breakdown and Service Line are included with your policy.
HO5 insurance is for homes with a replacement value of $500,000 – $2.5 million and includes extra coverage at no additional cost. HO3 insurance is for homes with a replacement value of $200,000 – $2 million. Optional coverages can be added to an HO3 policy for an additional fee. Learn more.
Both an HO3 and HO5 policy allow you to choose your non-hurricane and hurricane deductible. An HO5 policy gives you the flexibility to choose your water deductible. With an HO3 policy, your water deductible is the same as your All Other Perils deductible.
Our HO5 policy is designed to reward our customers who properly maintain their homes and have a good-to-excellent insurance risk score by providing increased coverage amounts at significant savings for:
If your Florida home has a replacement value of $500,000 to $2.5 million, a clean claims history, and a great credit score – you may be eligible to save money when you switch to an HO5 policy!
Can’t wait to enjoy the added peace that comes with our HO5 insurance policy? Call us today to see if you qualify for this exclusive policy that can save you money!